Yesterday Cora turned 5 months old! Amazing!! At 11 lbs and 6 oz, she is cuter then ever, but is cutting more bottom teeth (she already has her two bottom front ones) and is so fussy and upset lately. Poor thing.
Cora also started day care with Miss Ruth last week, where she goes Monday through Wednesdays. Ruth watches one other little boy named Sam, who is darling and is three months older than Cora. Sam is such a happy, smiley little boy! Ruth is GREAT with the kids, and works really well with Cora and her special bottle. It's really, really hard leaving Cora with a stranger, but Ruth is great and I go visit Cora on all my lunch breaks to check in on her.
Really, I think Cora is fine, I'm just the one that needs snuggle time and miss her like crazy :)
Here are a few photos and videos from this past week.
Miss Ruth Day Care |
Grocery Shopping! |
Playing with Henry! |
Bath Time!