Thursday, March 17, 2016

March Madness

To battle the never ending cold and grey weather, we've been trying to fill our time with play dates, music classes, speillegruppes, trips to the indoor playgrounds, and bundling up and getting outside anyway.   

Cora has been doing great, and is developing quite the fun sense of humor. She is a little ham, and loves being the center of attention (big surprise!)  As usual, she's been keeping us busy and on our toes at all times.

She is doing really well on her bike and wants to ride almost everyday. I've been jogging along side her and sometimes I can hardly keep up! I think she will be ready for pedals pretty soon!

Here are a few photos and videos of what we've been up to lately:

Lots of hanging out!

Indoor playground! (This place would be SO illegal in America.)

Reading to her babies.

A couple weekends ago we went to Geneva to have a hamburger and see some sun!

Our attempt at a cute photo.

These are the type of things that happen when we don't play outside enough. 

Waiting for the tram with her buddies.

Painting rocks!

I was able to put a bow in her hair for about 5 minutes!

Playing Frozen!

Hiking in the forest.

Playing at the Gurten.

Puzzles with Daddy.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Let's Go Fly A Kite

The last few weeks have been cold, wet and mostly grey. We've been sure to get out and play the few nice days we've had though! 

Cora had her first lesson in kite flying a couple weekends ago and had such a fun time that now she won't stop talking about kites and wind and air lift. Hopefully we can take her again soon if the weather clears up. 

We've also been enjoying our other favorite activities like skiing, and biking and going to play groups! Here are a few photos from the last couple of weeks:

Hanging out at the mall.

Kite flying! 

Ski day at our local hill (same sunny day as kite flying day!).

Wearing matching aprons! Thank you Laura!!

Being a princess.

Train ride activities.

Our lazy dog.

Yogurt monster.