Cora began her first hurrah at Georgetown preschool a couple weeks ago, and of course, she loves it!
Her school is only a ten minute walk away, which is just what we were hoping for when we envisioned a nice place for Cora and Kai to live. Her school hours are long - 8:00 to 3:30 - but it is only Monday, Wednesday and Friday so it is completely manageable. I try to treasure her days home with just Kai and I, because before I know it, she will be gone EVERYDAY! On the other hand though, she not only loves school, she very much needs it. She is a little sponge soaking up everything, and while also trying to keep Kai alive, I can't keep up entertaining her and teaching her everyday, all day long. School is awesome for all of us!
Currently, she is very excited about space, planets, bones (she has been obsessed since she broke her leg), how the human body works, painting, and how leaves change color. She's also constantly asking me the big questions like: "Who made the Earth?" "How are babies made?" "What is past space?" "Why can't dogs and cats have babies?" ... I'm now open to any answers anyone who is reading this may have.
While back to school has been great, we also had an amazing summer. We camped, hiked, rode bikes (almost daily), played in the rivers and lakes, went to Idaho for a couple weeks (where we did even more of all the above!!) and generally played outside as much as we could.
Here are some photos of the past couple months:
Playing in our local Georgetown lake. |
Family bike ride around Crested Butte. |
Cora's first bike race!! She was the only girl and did awesome! |
Visiting our dear friends Adam and Kristina and their new babies Soren and Penny. Cora and Penny hit it off instantly! |
Dad rock! |
So sweet. |
Tricking Kai into pushing her around. |
Wonderful Idaho time!! |
Zach and Cora! |
Obsessed with playing in mud, while wearing tutus. |
Sweet story time. |
Eclipse viewing. Unfortunately, she didn't think it was as cool as everyone was making it out to be. |
Playground stop after school! |
Zoo time! |
Celebrating Kai's first birthday. |
Teaching Kai how to drive mom crazy at the market. |
Walking home. |
Couch forts! |