It was only a matter of time, but it still sucks to break a bone.
Poor Cora broke her tibia skiing - it was a spiral fracture which she did right when she was at the bottom of her little run on the last day of our ski season. Her right ski popped off and she twisted her left leg before falling.
Luckily, she is tough as nails and will recover quickly. The hardest part is figuring out how to manage all the pent up energy from having to sit so much!
Cora's been to school a few times since (with mom's full time help), both sets of grandparents have been here to help and mom is getting very strong lugging Cora around everywhere :) To pass the time, Cora has been to the zoo, the museum, the butterfly pavilion, the mall, been on numerous stroller walks and has been reading, doing puzzles, playing iPad games, watching TV and playing bored games like crazy. Currently, she is trying to learn all the bones in the human body, which is a fun "game." She wants to be a rescue doctor, and this is a good jumpstart, I suppose.
She will get her big cast off May 11, and we are counting down the days. She will probably need a boot or another smaller cast for a couple more weeks, but hopefully she will be able to walk on her own with those, which will be much easier for all of us!!
Cora in the ER with her makeshift ski patrol splint. |
Poor thing. |
Sad little bug. |
A bit happier! |
Easter egg buggy hunting! |
Mom and Dad got to escape for an Easter date ride! (Thanks Nana and Papa!) |
Cora and Daddy sitting on our possible new front porch?!?!
Seems as if all major life events in the Campbell family involve a broken bone of some sort . |
Earth day gardening. |
Not slowing down much at all. |
Still crazy as ever. |
The pink beast! |
A bit before she broke her leg we went to her first play together, "Frog and Toad."
It was awesome seeing her so excited! |
An old gymnastics photo. |
Cora and Charlie. |
I just love this photo! |
She'll be back on her bike in no time! |
Happy St. Patty's! |
Playing at Winter Park. |
Dinosaur photo! |
Lunch with C Lu in Idaho! |
Teaching these girls how to ski. Best job in the world. |
Cora and her 5B buddies. |
Her first rock climbing adventure!! |
Pretending to be back in Europe! |