Cora continues to adjust to change like a champ. She has embraced our new house and hometown of Georgetown, Colorado incredibly well and loves it, possibly as much as Tanner does! We are slowly making new friends through story time and spending time tromping around town. One of her new best friends, sweet Katie, lives across the street, who she gets to play with on the weekends.
A few days after Cora got her second cast off, she hopped on her big girl bike (her pedal bike) and hasn't stopped riding since. She is getting really, really good, it's crazy!! We ride at least once a day and she loves it.
We have also been busy going to Fort Collins seeing Nana and Papa and Aunt Marisa and Uncle Mike, who's came to visit recently. It was so wonderful to see them!
Cora continues to be the best big sister ever and watches out for and helps take care of Kai everyday. They really are the best of buddies and it is awesome.
I also promised Cora I would buy her a kitty when she broke her leg, so we recently welcomed Lila Ravioli (named by Cora, or course) into our home. She is a sweet, but a bit crazy, kitty and we are all falling in love with her.
Below is a story in photos of what we've been up to the past couple months!
Goodbye Golden house! |
Tanner loves his new home the most! |
Best playground in America- and it's a five minute walk! |
Our new home in Georgetown! |
Showing Kai his new turf. |
Friends! |
Bike tours through Georgetown. |
Fierce Face! |
Anticipating the Georgetown train ride! |
Yay! Trains with Papa! |
Kitten snuggles. Welcome to the family, Lila Ravioli. |
She will rule the world one day. |
First skid mark!! |
Overload love. |
Lee Martinez Farm! |
The Bristows came to visit! |
New sleeping bag. |
Our nighttime walk along the river to the lake. (Look, no cast!!) |
Weekend hikes with daddy! |
As I said before, she WILL rule the world someday. |
Fourth of July Parade through Fort Collins. Cora was the youngest (by far!) riding with no training wheels! So proud! |
Exploring old museums in Georgetown. |
Selfie. |
Hiking around Mt. Evens while being bike support for Uncle Mike. |
Aunt Marisa is here!! |
SO much love! |
Local watering hole. |
Happy Summer. |
Deck cage! |
A chilly rainy Swiss day. |
Happy Birthday Aunt Marisa! |
Exploring with daddy. |
Cora's Lake! |