Happy Four Months Cora Azalea!! Amazing how the focal point of my life has drastically shifted and now revolves around a 9 1/2 pound adorable little creature. What a crazy four months it's been, and yet, I can barely remember life without her now.
This past weekend we packed the family up and headed to Utah for Cora's first "Spring Break Lalapalooza." SB2013 (based this year out of the SLC Mormon 'Princess Bellagio' Compound) was quite a treat, and was Cora's first real get away besides two trips to see the doc in Boise and one five hour adventure to Target in Twin. What fun we all had! Skiing some fantastic runs, participating in some superb lodge lounging (Webb and Cora killed it in the lodges and took turns hanging out with the moms and the dads), to hot tubbing and hanging out with some of the most hilariously superb folks around the country, was quite delightful. We were lucky to have had a chance to ski a few powder runs on Sunday and we were even luckier to have been a part of another SB tradition.

Coming back to our reality of work on Monday was a huge bummer, but we muddled through it and last night Nat and I were pleasantly introduced to the fun and excitement of teething. I think we both slept about a good hour while poor Cora fussed about her new beautiful front bottom left tooth that graced us with it's presence over the weekend. I am embracing the chronic sleep deprivation!!!
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