The last couple of weeks have been tough adjusting- I've been super homesick and Cora has been adjusting to her new schedule, but she is doing her best to be as cute as possible to make this transition much better. We've been busy exploring, failing at many things (like opening a bank account, getting groceries besides wine, cheese and bread, signing up for an international phone, getting Nat a parking pass, getting our Visas completed, etc. etc. etc.) but we are slowly working out all the complex pieces of the puzzle. If anything, when we move home, all the little moving details will be a breeze! Cora just hangs out in her buggy like a good little girl while I tromp her all around town trying to figure out these silly, complicated details. Then, if we fail or not, we usually end up at a cute little cafe together for a coffee and bottle and watch all the stylish Europeans stroll along the quaint cobblestone streets. Cora likes to smile and wave at all the pedestrians, which is pretty much adorable.
Last Thursday we found an English speaking play group to join, which was one of the highlights of our week! We met a few people and were able to speak English, which was WONDERFUL. Most people only speak Swiss German around my neighborhood, and although I can read and understand a little German, Swiss German sounds like an entirely different language. I guess we will learn eventually.
Also, even though Halloween isn't celebrated here, Cora dressed up as a cute little devil and we played around the house. Someday, hopefully, we will be able to take her Trick-or-Treating in a land where all the little kids are dressed up :) We really missed our neighborhood Thursday evening, but had a good time together instead up in our little Swiss penthouse.
Alf Hunting. |
Cora's trick of climbing through the coffee table. |
Walking like crazy- hilarious because she is so tiny! |
Thursday English Speaking Play Group! |
Sad Devil. |
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