Cora is in for a few exciting life changes this year ... most importantly, she will be a big sister this September (which she is unbelievable excited about and already loves "her" baby so much!). She is becoming very good at changing her stuffed animals' diapers and is very excited about my growing belly. She is adamant that it is a girl, but we shall see!!!
Also, as of June, we will be moving back home to America, to live in Golden, Colorado. Nat took a job as National Sales Manager for a mountain bike company called Yeti Cycles. They are a small, but very high end bike company and I think Nat will be a great fit. It wasn't an easy decision to move and leave our exciting European adventures behind, but with a second little on on the way, being back home near family and friends in a familiar world seems like what our family needs right now.
Between the stress of figuring out moving logistics, we are trying to have a little fun as well! Hopefully we can enjoy these last two months in Europe as much as possible!
Here are a few photos from the last little bit:
At the bear pit - and look! There is actually a bear there! |
Easter egg hunting at play group! |
Confusing dress day. |
Egg dying! |
Pregnant skiing. Hard to zip that coat now .. |
Biking around Switzerland. |
Easter morning! |
We went to Lake Constantine, Germany to celebrate Easter Day by wandering around exploring a new town. |
Getting ready for spring! |
Evening walk and bike ride through Schwarzenburg. |
All such wonderful things! Soak up those two months, and then savor your homecoming. Congratulations and congratulations friend!