Friday, January 25, 2013

Girl's Week!

While Cora is nestled in my left arm and I slowly peck away at this key board, I am treasuring every single moment of these magical days of being a stay-at-home mom. 

Little Miss Cora and I are spending some major quality time together this week while dad is away for work. We really miss dad, but the days fly by and revolve around feeding wee little Cora. In hopes to pack on the ounces, Cora continues to eat, eat, eat all day (and some of the night) long! At weighing in at 8 pounds and 4 ounces this week, all the pumping, feedings and bottle cleanings seem to be paying off.  When we aren't eating or sleeping, we play for hours on Cora's play mat, go on walks in the baby Bjorn (now that its finally back in the 20s!) and Cora loves to spend time in her swing (which thankfully gives me a break to get a few things done!).

Cora has been grabbing her toys, tracking objects (she especially loves to watch Tanner!) and loves to kick and dance while laying on her back. 

Cora's also been continuing to work on her smiles! Good thing no one is home, because I spend countless hours doing silly things to make her smile.  She really loves the itsy-bitsy spider :)

Cora and I have had a lot of visitors this past week. Below is a photo of Cora and her boyfriend Henry who was born a day before Cora! He's trying to put his arm around her and she is having nothing of it :)

Here are a few more photos of us Coraing around this week.

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